This two-act drama recounts the tragedy of a clown and his wife’s infidelity in a commedia dell’arte theater company, and contains one of the most famous and popular opera arias: “Vesti la giubba”.
The Stable Orchestra of the Province participates, which will be directed by the invited Director Mtro. Ricardo Sbrocco; the Stable Choir of the Province, also in charge of Sbrocco; and the Children and Youth Choir of the Tucumán Cultural Entity, conducted by Ana María Ternavasio. They will also frame the drama, a group of tightrope walkers, acrobats and jugglers, all independent circus actors. The staging is in charge of Oscar Zamora and the set design is by the Architect Juan Carlos Malcún.
From Buenos Aires arrives the soprano María Belén Rivarola, who will play Nedda (may 18, 20 and 21), a role that will also be played by Constanza García (may 27 & 28). Ramón Poliche (may 18, 21 & 27) and Fabián Abad (may 20 & 28) in the role of Canio. The baritone from Mar del Plata Luciano Garay (may 18, 20 & 21) will be Tonio; who will also be personified by Matías Safarsi (may 27 & 28). Patricio Racedo (18, 20, 21, 27 & 28) will play Silvio; Alejandro Alonso (may 18, 21 & 27) and Oscar Zeitune (may 20 & 28), both will play the role of Beppe.
This new proposal from the Cultural Entity lasts one hour and 20 minutes, contains a prologue and two acts divided by an intermission.